I've always had a love for stationary...ever since I can remember. I loved the start of school because it meant we could go to the shops and buy all new pens and pencils and textas and glue and oh my I'm getting faint with excitement.
On my desk at work I have about every piece of stationary you could ever need. Whenever anyone is looking for some kind of pen or clip...I usually have it.
I am always buying unnecessary stationary even though it really isn't needed. It's an addiction...but hey...at least it's a cheap addiction.
The start of the new craze of stationary stores opening up in the past few years has blown my mind. Smiggle, Kikki K and my personal favourite TYPO have meant I have amazing shops to get my stationary and most of the time i could buy the whole shop. before them I was just a creepy weirdo that spent way too long in the newsagent.
So while I love all stationary i have recently come upon a piece that has made me scream "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN ALL MY LIFE????".
It's the Artline Medium 210 0.6 and I am in love. It's without a doubt the most exciting piece of stationary I have seen since glitter pens arrived in the 90's. Okay so it's not all flashy and in your face and out there but I love it almost as much as I love my dog. Damn that's a lot.
Be still my beating heart. Seriously the best marker pen ever.
Okay maybe I have a problem. That was quite a long post about a pen.....
Whatevs. It's love.

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