With 2011 definitely underway now I've been thinking a lot about whether or not to have resolutions or whether I should just have a theme for this year.
I know that I want 2011 to be better than last year (as great as it was). I don't know....does that just put pressure on the year to be great and if it's not then it will just be a giant let down? Or will it help me strive to make this year amazing.
I have a couple of goals in mind. Nothing too amazing but just some things I really want to accomplish this year.
And of course I will keep going with my 43 things. I'm sure it will be a mad rush to the finsish line but I will try and get it all done.
I guess if I were to have a theme it would have to be: "2011 will be a sweet ride". I have that on the cover of my diary that i use everyday and I'm hoping that having it there will help remind me to make the most of everything, enjoy life and try new things that scare me.
So here goes 2011...bring it on!

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