You would think after spending close to 7 weeks overseas in 2010 visiting 7 countries would have calmed my need to travel but as we all know that never just makes you want to travel more.
There are some places I really want to return to. I loved them so much i just really want to go again and discover everything I didn't last time. There are also some new places I'm keen to check out and explore. is a very brief...very limited list of some places I want to go. No deadline as to when they have to be visited by but at least when we're planning our next holiday we won't be stuck for ideas.
1. New York:
Words can not describe how much I love this place. Probably my favourite place ever that I have visited. We were only there for 2 days but I instantly fell in love.
2. Greek Islands:
I've never been but it just looks so beautiful, so peaceful.
3. The Maldives:
This was originally where we were meant to go on our honeymoon but it was just way to expensive for our newlywed selves to afford. It's still on the list though.
4. Las Vegas:
Lights. Shows. Gambling. Drama. What's not to love? Seems fascinating.
5. Sharm el Sheik:
I went there with the fam and it was beautiful. Just so so nice. Will go back for sure.
So that's my very short beginning to my list. While it's not as good as actually travelling, dreaming up a list of places to go still feels pretty good.