Monday, September 5, 2011

Pinterest Obsession...

I found true love....and it's name is Pinterest.

It's everything I've ever wanted and I'm obsessed.

For those who don't know it's basically an image sharing website but oh my it's so much more. The images they have are amazingly beautiful. They stir up your creativity, make you think and most of the time just have you let out a big *siiiiiiiiighhhhh* with adoration.

While the husband has been working nightshifts I've found myself staying up way too late, stretched out in our bed, pinning and repinning and telling myself  to "" but I don't. I just love it that much.

Just so you know how right I am here are a few of my favourite images of late. I could have gone on forever but I restrained myself.

If you want to check out my boards then have a look here. And for goodness sakes- join up! You may have some sleepless nights but your world will be way more beautiful...

Friday, September 2, 2011


I think I'm ready for an adventure. I'm sick of day to day life. I'm ready for the husband and I to just go and do something crazy. Live a little, go somewhere we're not entirely sure of, try new things, get scared and hold each others hands throughout it all.

We're just not entirely sure where that is at the moment. We have a lot of options available to us next year and we have no clue which one to chose. It's kinda scary but kinda exciting too.

Well I guess we just gotta take a deep breath, say and prayer, hold on to each other and take a massive leap. Fingers crossed...



September is here. So glad winter is over for another year....bring on summer :)